What are the blood tests for parasites, you should you do?

The analysis of blood parasites procedure is mandatory for all who work in the health care sector, educational institutions, animal, or plan to visit educational institutions. Unlike studies of cala, modern blood tests to helminths provide results that are more definitive, they offer the possibility of evaluating the degree of infestation and to trace the effectiveness of the treatment. To verify the lifting of this type of quick and does not require much time to decrypt.

the analysis of blood

When and who need a blood test for helminthiasis?

The sad statistics medical indicates that, approximately, for every 3 people is a problem of helminths today is urgent. Equipment transport, offices and educational institutions, washing fruits and vegetables, hand-grip — all of these activities for each adult and child business and become the main source of infection of parasites. Even if the symptoms do not manifest themselves immediately, in any case, the parasites have to have a negative impact on the human body: cause the deterioration of the appetite, promotes the development of allergies, aches and pains in a body, bad digestion, are sometimes able to cause death. Considering this, you need to go by parasites analyses for each person (preferably every year).

It is not possible to play with the examination, manifest themselves specific to helmintíasea symptoms:

  • the strong weight loss;
  • hives;
  • common nausea;
  • aversion to food;
  • the drastic reduction of the hemoglobin;
  • irritability, or insomnia in children.

In addition, can also be called a group of people, which, necessarily, every 6-8 months of age should check the blood. To do this, refer specifically to:

  • people who live in areas with frequent outbreaks helmintíasea;
  • those who work in institutions of education and dealing with young children;
  • health professionals;
  • all the workers of the restoration;
  • the people who work with animals, as well as members of their families (veterinarians, workers meat, shepherds, dog breeders, the employees of the circus and the zoo, and t. d.).

In addition, a blood test for worms should do all the children of school and pre-school, which will soon have to attend an educational institution, mugs. Explore blood on the parasites should pregnant women, children on the eve of vaccination. In addition, repeated tests, it is worthwhile to spend after you have covered the treatment of parasites.

ELISA as one of the most effective methods of diagnosis

elisa analysis of blood

The most popular and reliable analysis of today's experts call the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays blood parasites. The main objective of this precision in the laboratory, the method to identify in the blood of antibodies to a particular type of parasites. Immunoglobulin the same (so are called antibodies) are a natural response of the immune system, and has the purpose of disarming the negative of the agent.

To make an accurate diagnosis and find out in which the intensity of the evolution of the disease and pests, how long it lasts, the professional can through 3 different types of immunoglobulins:

  1. Class E. Detected in the blood of a child or an adult of about 2-4 weeks from the time of infection. With almost 80 % of them appear in mucous membranes and only 20 % remains in the blood. After the treatment of immunoglobulin class, And may not have more than a month. If the re-analysis of the parasites to them again and again discover, then, the disease has passed to the chronic form.
  2. Class M. the quickest to respond to the presence of the parasite. In the blood are detected already at 5 days after infection. However, this will not last long — up to 2 months, and then, gradually, are displayed. Thanks to this indicator, the physician can infer about the presence of acute helmintíasea at a given time.
  3. The class G. Appear relatively later — 1 month after the gFoxtNoah of invasion. However, they appear, they last longer, more than six months. Use it to understand how much time the person suffers helmintíaseom.

In comparison with other laboratory methods, the ELISA has a number of advantages, namely:

  • high precision;
  • the ability to determine the stage of the disease;
  • the versatility;
  • the possibility of use to the mass population survey;
  • appropriate adult and child.

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, it is appropriate to use to identify these types of helmintíasea, such as:

  • giardiasis;
  • trainelle;
  • leishmaniasis;
  • ascariasis;
  • TSIstearcos;
  • description:tArchos;
  • echinococcosis and others.

Hemo scan for the detection of parasites

< / b > hemoscanning blood

Hemo scanning is one of the most modern analysis of parasites in children and adults. With it, it is possible to identify the following:

  • a particular type of parasite;
  • the structure and the number of white blood cells;
  • the number of red blood cells;
  • the degree of viscosity of the blood;
  • the state of the immune system;
  • the presence of fungi and viruses.

Unlike the ELISA, hemo scan predicts about only a few drops of blood from your finger tip. The liquid is placed in the glass sterile, and then, carefully, seen under a microscope. The number of increments reaches 1800-2000 time. Do not need to absolutely no additional processing (the use of enzymes, dyes, dehumidify and t. d.). In modern clinical picture is displayed on the monitor, and, therefore, the patient has the opportunity to observe the process of research, check for the presence of fungi and worms. Shocking can become the image of the larvae of parasites. When necessary, are carried out on a photo, or a video of the investigation.

It is a fast method, because information about your health status, the patient may know already after 10-15 minutes.

It is worth mentioning that, independent of the method of detection of parasites hemo scanning, in fact, is not used. The only thing is that the human body can accommodate different types of parasites with multiple-location destination. Far from being, in each case, there occurs the migration of larvae in the blood. You can-if you suspect the presence of helminths allows the reduction of the quantity of red blood cells in the blood (as well as some parasites feed on blood and nutrients), the increased amount of leukocytes (points to the struggle of the body with the parasite), dense plasma.

Other diagnostic methods

If the method 1 to reveal helminthiasis is not possible, the doctor recommends more studies of the laboratory:

  1. Serological analysis. The same applies to the immune options, such as ELISA. However, unlike the latter, the first has the objective of investigating is not the blood and the serum. To obtain the information, the physician should use a reaction between antibodies and antigens. Serological analysis is not performed on all types of worms, but just what the doctor suspects. If the human body has a parasite, the expert will notice a clear reaction.
  2. PCR-diagnosis. Do not give you the possibility to discover the stage of development of the gFoxtNoah infestations, and is not recommended for fixing all types of parasites. With it, you can find out if there are in the human body simple helminths. The main task of the laboratory technician — if the search of the RNA and DNA of the parasite. When you do, plays no role, it will be a parasite alive or dead. Pass on the research, there is the possibility of any material, in particular, urine, blood or stool. For greater reliability, this analysis may give up several times.
  3. Vegetative resonance test. The method is based on the identification of the resonance between the human body and the drug. As a last act of information carriers of various types of worms. All information of each type of pests has been confirmed by scientists yet in 1989 g. VRT (as it is called still to this method) is performed only in laboratory conditions and provides the opportunity to identify in which state is the immune system of a person in a certain period of time. So, with the ART doctor you can find, suffers, if the body against the allergy is, is that it is toxic, bacterial, - Parisitary effect or not.
  4. Deployed an analysis of the blood. The overvaluation or, vice versa, discreet hemoglobin, the reduced number of red blood cells in the blood, increased the number of eosinophils — here are the main signs that allow to suspect the presence of the parasite in the human body.
preparation of analyses

How to prepare for the search, and how to decipher the results?

Characteristics of a test depends on what we use, and the presence of any types of parasites suspected. Usually, the blood collection is made from vienna, and in some cases (hemo scan) of a finger. Just enough to 10-15 ml of blood, to establish the diagnosis.

To obtain the maximum of reliable information, it is necessary to observe certain rules of distribution clinical analysis:

  1. On the eve of the day of blood collection, the patient should not consume too much of salt, fatty food (after all, she can change the level of white blood cells); products that can cause allergies — honey, citrus fruits (increase the level of eosinophils, which also takes place when helmintíasee); foods rich in essential oils of garlic, onion, ginger (affect the activity of parasites).
  2. It is best to make the material with an empty stomach. Animals in a small amount of clean water.
  3. Necessarily you need to inform your doctor about the medications that were used during the last 2 weeks.
  4. It is not recommended for a few days before doing more tests to use any physical therapy treatment (including fluorograffia, ULTRASOUNDS, x-rays).
  5. At least one week before the collection of blood, give up alcoholic beverages in the means that contain a high concentration of ethyl alcohol.
  6. Smoking, you need at least 2 hours before doing more tests.

If strong helmintíaseom suffered pregnant, the examination is necessary and the baby. He has the blood extracted from the umbilical cord or the placenta.

In the execution of the research, as a rule, the lack of 2-3 days. A little more time (up to 5 days), you will need to spend, in this case, if the package is executed to research the immune in the different types of parasites.

the decryption results

Transcription should involve only by a specialist. The simplest interpretation remain hemo scanning, and PCR diagnosis. They discover a parasite or larvae, or not.

Difficult situation with a method that should be called ELISA. The doctor should consider the immunoglobulin immediately 3 groups. Thus, the acute form of the disease you can count, if there is a combination of: immunoglobulin of the M class positive, while the class a And G may be positive or negative. About the chronicle in the form of report information: immunoglobulin of the M class is missing, while the class a and G may be positive or negative.

If any of the above cases, the analysis showed a positive result, pull with the treatment helmintíasea not worth the effort. After it is complete, a designated doctor, the treatment must be re-delivery of analysis, however, to do this you need about 2-3 months after the intake of medicines. Not knowing which tests need to pass, it is best to consult a doctor-family doctor, gastroanterolaghave or other professionals.